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Process Essay 2
The Development of the Flood in the Halo Franchise
劉俊榆 Tommy
How Do Cars Work?
呂心宇 Sherry
How Muscles Grow in Human Body
林于暄 Alice
How Convectional Rain Forms
陳宜婕 Jessica
How Bees Produce Honey
王允紜 Angela
How Sleeping Circle Works
劉芷淇 Chiny
How Sea Otters Use Tools
曾虹蓁 Sheila
Three Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
白侑璇 Sara
How Bees Make Honey
陳怡慧 Eva
How Tornados Form
白晴蕓 Bella
How do Birds Migrate?
鄭凱文 Kevin
How Solar Eclipse Forms
蔣豪 Holly
How Hawaiian islands form
陳思潔 Jessie
How does Animal Migration Work in Africa?
莫宜庭 Rita
How AIDS Develops in One’s Body
鄧麗芳 Linda
How Photosynthesis Works in Plants
林家洋 Jest
How Death Penalty Is Announced and Practiced in Taiwan
陳奕翔 Jack
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